Convenient and Flexible Month-to-Month Tuition

The Maestro Musicians Academy of Sharon is unique in that unlike many other local music schools, we work on a month-to-month payment plan. There are no long-term commitments but many students stay with us for years! Our system is flexible in that we offer 30, 45, or 60-minute classes to fit a range of budgets. We are so sure that you will like our program that if you are unsatisfied with lessons in your first month, we'll refund any unused future sessions remaining in that month!

Sharon Piano Lessons



Piano Express Program

Ages K-3
60-minute class per week

Average of 4 lessons per month on a 48-week school calendar

Sharon Music Lessons

30 Minute Private Lessons

One lesson per week,
an average of 4 lessons per month on a 48-week school calendar


Sharon Piano Teachers

45 Minute Private Lessons

One lesson per week
an average of 4 lessons per month on a 48-week school calendar

Sharon Voice Lessons

60 Minute Private Lessons

One lesson per week
an average of 4 lessons per month on a 48-week school calendar

One-time $50 Registration Fee per family; Includes optional participation in 2 recitals per year.